2-Dec – Finally the dive videos


I finally cracked the upload file limit problem.  I can now upload large video files to the blog.  Rather than go back and update the Fiji dive posts I thought I would just put the 3 special videos here in a single post.  If you click the little symbol in the lower right hand corner of the video player you’ll get a full screen version of the video.

WheatFieldsThis is the dive site called “Wheat Fields”.  As I said in the original post once I got the video posted you would understand how the site got it’s name.  The entire top of the coral head is covered in these golden colored sea anemone.  In the current they look like a field of wheat blowing in the wind.  Very cool!


Our last day of diving we did two of my all time favorite dives.  A great way to end our Fiji week.  We did both of these dives last year and I had written in my log book how much I’d liked them.  Above is the dive called “Mellow Yellow”.  We are approaching the coral head and LOOK AT ALL THE FISH!  Awesome!


And our last dive in Fiji was “Purple Haze”.  The different corals on this dive are quite amazing.  Note the little fish that darts out at me to defend its patch of coral.  And at the end of the video is my dive buddy Barb.

I’m sorry it took me so long to get these videos posted but between slow internet access and dealing with the upload limit of this blog software it took a little effort.  But I cracked the code.

Enjoy,  we did.  🙂
